build process

How to Use Online Review

Trust? Maybe. Verify? Always. It’s an old story and, unfortunately, still relevant today—in September 2011, Business Week reported on a Texas home improvement contractor who hired a writer to post 200 positive reviews on sites like Yelp and Google. The article went on to cite other examples and estimated the percentage of fake online reviews […] Read More »

What is Customer Satisfaction?

Research shows that good processes are key to a great building experience. The best builders know which experiences homeowners find most frustrating, and they work tirelessly to avoid them. Industry studies show that homeowners’ biggest complaints are about their builder’s processes, especially around scheduling, budget, work habits, and customer service. Smart builders use data from […] Read More »

Keeping the Authorities Happy

Your home builder needs to navigate a maze of government regulations—homeowners can help make the process easier A successful new-home build is a predictable one, with no unpleasant surprises. Predictability comes from good planning, as well-planned projects tend to stay on budget and on schedule. Good planning includes making sure the home will meet all […] Read More »

Internet Reality Check

Avoid the most common mistakes when searching for ideas on the web We all love the internet. It’s a bottomless source of ideas and inspiration for any project, and most people wouldn’t think of starting a new custom home before spending some serious time online. The internet is also a valuable resource for builders: it’s […] Read More »

Rethinking Home

COVID is causing changes in home designs and product choices Did you know that the half-bath became popular in the years following the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic? That’s because homeowners wanted to keep visitors’ germs out of the main bath. Did you also realize that Modern interior design first took hold in America during the […] Read More »

Solving The Price Puzzle

Custom home pricing is a complex subject. Here are some ways to think about it. Have you ever called a car dealership to ask how much cars cost per pound? You say that’s a ridiculous question? We agree. In fact, we expect the dealership’s sales staff would wonder what you had been smoking. The serious […] Read More »

Why Budget Poker Is a Bad Bet

Transparency about what you can afford is the only way to get the most house for your money Your new custom home is likely one of your biggest-ever investments, so you obviously need a builder you can trust. Ways to confirm trustworthiness include reading online reviews, calling references and confirming the builder’s participation in professional […] Read More »

What is an Organized Builder?

Investing in the design and construction of a new home is a daunting task, something most people do once or maybe twice in a lifetime. The last thing you need is a builder who doesn’t have it together. Why does that matter? Simply, homebuilding today is an increasingly complex endeavor, involving dozens of trade partners […] Read More »

Pretty Good Isn’t Excellent

Companies built for production work aren’t built for excellent work. On the surface, the difference between a production builder and a custom builder is simple. One builds the same basic house over and over, and the other builds a unique home for each customer. But the real differences go deeper. These two builder types are, […] Read More »

Showroom Etiquette

dave packer custom builder

As a builder of high-quality homes, we strive to deliver something special to every customer. The days of “cookie cutter” housing are over! To insure that each home is unique, we rely on several resources to help our buyers fashion a house that reflects their individual tastes. One resource is the showroom. Many of our […] Read More »

Keep Projects on Track

Failure to make timely decisions is the number one culprit behind schedule and cost overruns. Homeowners play a key role in preventing these problems. Some homeowners find it a challenge to make their final selection of products and materials. It’s easy to see why—with practically limitless choices in countertops, fixtures, tiles, windows, and other products, […] Read More »

Working with a Professional Builder: Does it really matter?

How homeowners benefit from the established builder’s systems and relationships. Since the rebound of home building from the great recession, lots of new contractors have emerged as homebuilders. This has given home buyer more choices, tempting some to choose a contractor based strictly on price. Bad idea. It’s nearly impossible to compare apples to apples […] Read More »

What Type of Client Are You?

Successful builders are choosy about the people they work with. Here’s why. The best business relationships are those where everyone has high standards, both for themselves and for the other parties. This is certainly the case when building a new custom home—a complex, expensive and emotion-laden effort in which the homeowner and builder must collaborate […] Read More »

Effective Communication: Key to a Successful Building Process

Communication is important in all relationships, and your relationship with your builder is no exception. Effective communication between client and builder will reduce concerns and stress before, during, and after the building process. Here are some tips for keeping the lines of communication open at key points. When selecting a builder—The best time to explore […] Read More »

The Hidden Build Process

Understanding the construction process will help owners manage their expectations and emotions. Here’s a quick quiz… It’s four or five months into a new custom build. The home is weather tight, plumbing and electrical wiring have been roughed in, the insulation is in place, and sheetrock has been screwed to the walls and ceilings. The […] Read More »